Yves Saint Laurent

Art Direction
Publicis Luxe
2017 - 2018

YSL Beauty e-commerce website

For over a year and a half, I was in charge of UI design in the YSL Beauty team at Publicis Luxe. One of our main mission was the complete redesign of the yslbeauty.com website, including the conception of a design system to maintain consistency throughout the wide array of the created pages.


Art Direction
Publicis Luxe

YSL Beauty lauch on TMALL

As Yves Saint Laurent Beauty was about to launch their platform on TMALL (the Chinese equivalent of Amazon), they asked us to create a dozen product pages, focusing on offering a unique and immersive experience.
The launch was a real success, setting up a new 24h sales record, with the equivalent of 5.4 million dollars of sales and more than 1.2 million new subscribers to the brand’s new platform.

Art Direction
Content production
Publicis Luxe

YSL Beauty Reward Club

In 2018, I was tasked with designing the visual identity of YSL Beauty’s new CRM program. I supervised its roll-out spanning over a hundred pages and directed the visual content creation to populate them.


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